OrangeLink Firmware

Two (2) versions of OrangeLink hardware have been released to date.  Please use the files for the correct version of the hardware that you have.  The OrangeLink and OrangeLink Pro can be visually separated by looking under the battery cover.  The OrangeLink Pro has a small case retaining screw to the left of the batteries.

OrangeLink Pro (June 2021 – present) – Hardware Version 1.1
Current Firmware Release:Firmware v3.2 (RF Refactor) Sept 29 2021 – Reboot mobile phone after updating

  • Refactor of RF Communications (Faster)
  • Thank you Joe Moran and Marion Barker for your testing work!

Previous Firmware Releases:

Firmware v1.0 (original release) June 22 2021 – Reboot mobile phone after updating


OrangeLink (December 2020 – May 2021) – Hardware Version 1.0

Current Firmware Release:

Firmware v3.2 Released Sept, 30 2021 –  Reboot mobile phone after updating

Previous Firmware Releases:


Firmware Update Instructions:

The OrangeLink’s nRF52 Processor allows users to update the firmware using their Mobile Phones.

  1. Download the nRF Connect App from Nord Semi in the Apple Store or available on  Google Play Store as “NRF connect for mobile”
  2. Download the latest OrangeLink firmware DFU File to your Mobile Phone (See above)
  3. Disconnect the OrangeLink from your Loop App  (OrangeLink will Vibrate on Disconnect)
  4. [Connect] to the OrangeLink using the nRF Connect App (OrangeLink will Vibrate on Connect)
  5. Swipe right to the [DFU] screen in the nRF App [Open Document Picker] and select the Firmware Zip File
  6. [Start] the firmware update.  When finished, exit/kill the NRF app
  7. [IMPORTANT STEP!] Reboot your Mobile Device!
  8. Re-Connect your OrangeLink in your Loop App

Update Firmware Video iPhone

Update Firmware Video Android